This reminds me of figgy pudding. It can be made year round! These will be sticky! They may need to be rolled in confectioners' sugar again before presentation...
These cookies with rice milk are not going to be as amazing as the no-bake cookies made with sugar, but they still satisfy a sweet tooth. A lot of recipes...
This is a no-bake Christmas cookie that is a must-have in my family during the holidays. Having the clove to suck on at the end is the best part! They...
This is a recipe passed down through the generations. I loved these cookies growing up. Now my kids love them. They are very easy and fast to make. If...
Delicious and filling snacks my friend Danielle told me about. I cannot get enough of these! Nothing processed and jam-packed with nutrition. I took these...
Salame di cioccolato or chocolate 'salami' is a very popular Italian dessert made out of tea biscuits, cocoa and butter. Loved by kids and adults alike,...
This is a delectable new slant on a no-bake rice-cereal cookie. A friend of mine gave this recipe to me and her mother-in-law gave to her. It melts in...
Rice Krispies® Christmas trees are a fun activity for the kids during the holidays using the traditional Rice Krispies® recipe and decorated with your...
This is a delicious treat that I prepare every Christmas to include in my candy assortments that I give as gifts. They're absolutely delicious and people...
Super-easy to make, this 3-ingredient, no-bake recipe can be made into lactation cookies, an on-the-go snack, or a cool cookie cup for ice cream. Substitute...
This big recipe is quick and easy. It's great for cookie exchanges, or those times when you need a lot of cookies. It's an easy recipe for kids to help...
These Christmas wreaths made with corn flakes and cinnamon candies have been part of our family's tradition for years! They are fun and easy to make and...
When I was young I loved this recipe! And I must admit that I still love it a lot! It's an easy no-baking sweet that every kid will enjoy both to make...
I work at a nature camp, as a counselor for the 4 and 5 year olds, or "Nature Nuts". We whipped these bars up one rainy day using whatever we had in the...